Many hoses have nooks and crannies that can trap plant material and hash water. They're often difficult or impossible to clean without taking apart. Our Lowtemp Sanitary Hash Hose are designed with a perfectly smooth FDA approved EPDM interior, that can be cleaned in place. They are also very well insulated, keeping water inside the lines ice cold.
These same hoses are used in the brewing and even dairy industries for transfer of fermented food product. The perfectly smooth interior allows for a true sanitary clean in place process, which lends itself well to the strict rules and regulations of microbial testing within the extraction industry.
Equipped with crimped sanitary 1.5" tri clamps on either end of the hose, quickly connect or disconnect from your pumps, bulkheads, or Lowtemp Nest in seconds.
Quit replacing your hoses after a few months to a year, and invest in high quality, long lasting Sanitary Hash Hoses!
Keep in mind, these hoses are fantastic solutions to use with chillers since they are so well insulated and react well with glycol. They increase the efficiency of chillers by a significant amount versus a normal nylon hose via the smooth interior and insulated walls.
Specs and Features
- Temp Range: -31c/-24f to 120c/248f
- Working pressure to 290 psi
- Smooth FDA approved EPDM interior
- Hose ID: 1"
- Resistant to our preferred clean in place chemicals, such as Isopropyl and Alcojet
- 1.5" sanitary tri clamp connectors on both ends of the hose.